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Incorrect or missing information? Pre-queue scripts

This Wiki page is for an older version of SABnzbd.
You can download the most recent stable version (SABnzbd 4.4.1) on our downloads page.

You can choose to let SABnzbd run a script just before an NZB enters the queue. This script determines whether the NZB should be accepted and can modify a number of job parameters.

Scripts may use any scripting language available on your system; common choices are Python, Unix shell, and Windows batch scripts. All scripts must be located in the Scripts-directory, specified in Config->Folders and must be executable. On Unix-like operating systems (Linux, BSD, etc.) this means the x-bit must be on. On Windows, the requirement is that the script's extension is listed in your system's PATHEXT environment variable. Once everything is in place, the Pre-Queue Script can be set in Config->Switches (enable Advanced Settings).

The script must write results to the console. Exit code 0 will make SABnzbd inspect the returned output. If the script has an exit code other than 0, script failure is assumed and the NZB accepted without changes.

Input parameters

All parameters (except 1) can be empty, meaning a default value. Use %1 in Windows scripts and $1 in Unix scripts. Note that on Windows the input parameters are surrounded by quotes (e.g. "job name").

NOTE Much more information is available to scripts via environment variables, see below!

Position Description
1 Clean version of the job name (no path info and .nzb removed) includes the password if present, in the job name / password notation
2 Post Processing (PP) flags:
  • 0 = Download
  • 1 = +Repair
  • 2 = +Unpack
  • 3 = +Delete
3 Category
4 Script (no path)
5 Priority
  • -100 = Default
  • -2 = Paused
  • -1 = Low
  • 0 = Normal
  • 1 = High
  • 2 = Force
6 Size of the download (in bytes)
7 Group list (separated by spaces)

Return parameters

The script can refuse or accept the NZB and it can also return alternative parameters. These parameters should be written to the console, each parameter on a separate line. SABnzbd uses the first 7 lines of output, so they should be empty (original value will be used) or only contain proper data. Anything after line 7 is ignored.

NOTE To manipulate duplicate detection, you should assemble a new name and return a recognized format.

Position Description
  • 0 = Refuse
  • 1 = Accept
  • 2 = Accept but fail, this way post-processing scripts for the job will be activated if necessary.
2 Clean version of the job name (no path info and .nzb removed) can be used to set a password when provided in the job name / password notation
3 Post Processing (PP) flags:
  • 0 = Download
  • 1 = +Repair
  • 2 = +Unpack
  • 3 = +Delete
4 Category
5 Script (no path)
6 Priority
  • -100 = Default
  • -2 = Paused
  • -1 = Low
  • 0 = Normal
  • 1 = High
  • 2 = Force
7 Group to be used (in case your provider doesn't carry all groups and there are multiple groups in the NZB)

Environment variables

Your script can get extra information via environment variables (return information should still be sent as plain output):

Variable Description
SAB_SCRIPT The name of the current script
SAB_FINAL_NAME The name of the job in the queue and of the final folder
SAB_FILENAME The NZB filename (after grabbing from the URL)
SAB_CAT What category was assigned
SAB_BYTES Total number of bytes
SAB_DUPLICATE Is this a duplicate and what type
SAB_DUPLICATE_KEY The key used for Smart Duplicate Detection
SAB_PASSWORD What was the password supplied by the NZB or the user
SAB_STATUS Current status (completed/failed/running)
SAB_PP What post-processing was activated (download/repair/unpack/delete)
SAB_REPAIR Was repair selected by user
SAB_UNPACK Was unpack selected by user
SAB_PRIORITY Priority set by user
SAB_GROUPS Newsgroups listed in the NZB
SAB_VERSION The version of SABnzbd used
SAB_PROGRAM_DIR The directory where the current SABnzbd instance is located
SAB_API_KEY The API-key that you can use to communicate with the SABnzbd API.
SAB_API_URL The URL to the SABnzbd API, for example
It does not include the required apikey parameter, use SAB_API_KEY.
SAB_PAR2_COMMAND The path to the par2 command on the system that SABnzbd uses
SAB_MULTIPAR_COMMAND Windows-only (empty on other systems). The path to the MultiPar command on the system that SABnzbd uses
SAB_RAR_COMMAND The path to the unrar command on the system that SABnzbd uses
SAB_ZIP_COMMAND The path to the unzip command on the system that SABnzbd uses
SAB_7ZIP_COMMAND The path to the 7z command on the system that SABnzbd uses. Not all systems have 7zip installed (it's optional for SABnzbd), so this can also be empty
SAB_TITLE Title of the movie or show
SAB_SEASON Season (1..99)
SAB_EPISODE Episode (1..99)
SAB_IS_PROPER Tagged as Proper (True or False)
SAB_JOB_TYPE Job type (tv, date, movie, or unknown)

Example Script 1

Example of a Windows batch file that forces high priority on anything smaller than 2GB.

@echo off
echo 1
if %6 LSS 2000000000 echo 1

Save it as file size-checker.cmd and put in the scripts folder.

Example Script 2

A python script to set prio to Force on downloads smaller than 50MB:

import sys

    # Parse the input variables for SABnzbd version >= 4.2.0
    (scriptname, nzbname, postprocflags, category, script, prio, downloadsize, grouplist) = sys.argv
except Exception:
    sys.exit(1)  # a non-zero exit status causes SABnzbd to ignore the output of this script

prio = -100  # Default
if int(downloadsize) < 50*1024**2:
    prio = 2

print("1")  # Accept the job

# 0 means OK