Incorrect or missing information? Pre-queue scripts
You can download the most recent stable version (SABnzbd 4.4.1) on our downloads page.
You can choose to let SABnzbd run a script just before an NZB enters the queue. This script determines whether the NZB should be accepted and can modify a number of job parameters.
Scripts may use any scripting language available on your system; common choices are Python, Unix shell, and Windows batch scripts.
All scripts must be located in the Scripts-directory, specified in Config->Folders and must be executable.
On Unix-like operating systems (Linux, BSD, etc.) this means the x-bit must be on. On Windows, the requirement is that the script's extension is listed in your system's PATHEXT
environment variable.
Once everything is in place, the Pre-Queue Script can be set in Config->Switches (enable Advanced Settings).
The script must write results to the console.
Exit code 0
will make SABnzbd inspect the returned output.
If the script has an exit code other than 0
, script failure is assumed and the NZB accepted without changes.
Input parameters
All parameters (except 1) can be empty, meaning a default value. Use %1
in Windows scripts and $1
in Unix scripts. Note that on Windows the input parameters are surrounded by quotes (e.g. "job name"
NOTE Much more information is available to scripts via environment variables, see below!
Position | Description |
1 | Clean version of the job name (no path info and .nzb removed) includes the password if present, in the job name / password notation |
2 | Post Processing (PP) flags:
3 | Category |
4 | Script (no path) |
5 | Priority
6 | Size of the download (in bytes) |
7 | Group list (separated by spaces) |
Return parameters
The script can refuse or accept the NZB and it can also return alternative parameters. These parameters should be written to the console, each parameter on a separate line. SABnzbd uses the first 7 lines of output, so they should be empty (original value will be used) or only contain proper data. Anything after line 7 is ignored.
NOTE To manipulate duplicate detection, you should assemble a new name and return a recognized format.
Position | Description |
1 |
2 |
Clean version of the job name (no path info and .nzb removed) can be used to set a password when provided in the job name / password notation |
3 | Post Processing (PP) flags:
4 | Category |
5 | Script (no path) |
6 | Priority
7 | Group to be used (in case your provider doesn't carry all groups and there are multiple groups in the NZB) |
Environment variables
Your script can get extra information via environment variables (return information should still be sent as plain output):
Variable | Description |
The name of the current script |
The name of the job in the queue and of the final folder |
The NZB filename (after grabbing from the URL) |
What category was assigned |
Total number of bytes |
Is this a duplicate and what type |
The key used for Smart Duplicate Detection |
What was the password supplied by the NZB or the user |
Current status (completed/failed/running) |
What post-processing was activated (download/repair/unpack/delete) |
Was repair selected by user |
Was unpack selected by user |
Priority set by user |
Newsgroups listed in the NZB |
The version of SABnzbd used |
The directory where the current SABnzbd instance is located |
The API-key that you can use to communicate with the SABnzbd API. |
The URL to the SABnzbd API, for example .It does not include the required apikey parameter, use SAB_API_KEY .
The path to the par2 command on the system that SABnzbd uses |
Windows-only (empty on other systems). The path to the MultiPar command on the system that SABnzbd uses |
The path to the unrar command on the system that SABnzbd uses |
The path to the unzip command on the system that SABnzbd uses |
The path to the 7z command on the system that SABnzbd uses. Not all systems have 7zip installed (it's optional for SABnzbd), so this can also be empty |
Title of the movie or show |
Season (1..99) |
Episode (1..99) |
Episode name |
Tagged as Proper (True or False) |
Resolution |
Decade |
Year |
Month |
Day |
Job type (tv, date, movie, or unknown) |
Example Script 1
Example of a Windows batch file that forces high priority on anything smaller than 2GB.
Save it as file size-checker.cmd
and put in the scripts folder.
Example Script 2
A python script to set prio to Force on downloads smaller than 50MB: