User Manual
Advanced Topics
Extensions for SABnzbd
Incorrect or missing information? Android
Running SABnzbd on Android
Note: Experimental and advanced
Basic SABnzbd 2.x
It is possible to run SABnzbd on a plain, standard Android.
- On your Android device, install the app UserLAnd from
- While setting up UserLAnd, choose Ubuntu, and ssh
- Start UserLAnd. On the command line, type "sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus"
- Start sabnzbd with "sabnzbdplus"
- On your Android, now access SABnzbd via
- You can fill out the wizard
The above will give (at the time of this writing) Ubuntu 18.04 with the older version SABnzbd 2.3.2.
Update to SABnzbd 3.x
With some extra work, you can update to the current version of SABnzbd:
On the command line of Ubuntu-on-Android, do this:
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jcfp/ppa -y
sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus -y
You can start SABnzbd with
You can access SABnzbd via
Share downloads to Android
There are shared directories between UserLAnd and Android:
For Internal storage:
UserLAnd: /storage/internal/
Android app "Files" "internal storage": /Android/data/tech.ula/files/storage
For SDcard (if any)
UserLAnd: /storage/sdcard/
Android app "Files" -> "SD Card" -> /Android/data/tech.ula/files/storage
So, in SABnzbd set Complete to /storage/internal/
Remote access to Ubuntu-on-Android
You can access Ubunt-on-Android via SSH like this:ssh <ip address of Android device> -p 2022