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Incorrect or missing information? Unix Permissions

Linux, Unix, macOS only

When SABnzbd runs on a Unix-like server, the download result must often be made available for other users.
Normally files that are created by a user account are private. This is also true for the files created by SABnzbd.
This is OK for the internal administration files, but not always for the downloaded files.

In Config->Folders you can specify which access rights SABnzbd should give the end result.
This parameter is passed to the chmod command. It uses the octal notation supported by chmod.
You need to specify the settings for folders, so with the X bits set, SABnzbd will automatically remove any X bits for all files.

Typical values:
0777 full access for everyone
0700 only private access
0755 private read/write access, others only read access
0750 private read/write access, group read access, others no access

You can set the permissions in Config->Folders.