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Incorrect or missing information? Install SABnzbd for Windows

The easiest way to install SABnzbd on a Windows system is to use the binary distribution (available here).
WARNING The installer only works on Windows 8 and newer. For Windows 7, you will need to use the "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" zip as it uses older python for compatibility.

The package is an installer, so run it and answer the questions.
To use the installer, you need to be an administrator. The alternative is to unzip our Windows ZIP-distribution file to a location where you have write access.

Once you have installed it, double-click the desktop icon (or look up SABnzbd in the Start Menu) and SABnzbd will start. Normally, nothing will happen for about 2-10 seconds and then the web-browser will pop up and show you the web interface of SABnzbd.

The first thing you have to do is fill in the settings for the Usenet server where SABnzbd can download from. Look through the configuration screens and click on the HELP button of you need more explanation. The Help button will take you to the appropriate help page in this Wiki.

You can use the Add buttons on the main screen to add jobs, based on NZB files already on your disk or a URL pointing to an NZB on the Web.

For more convenience you specify a so-called "Watched Folder" (see Config -> Folders).
Every NZB file you put there will be picked up by SABnzbd as a job.