

User Manual FAQ Contact Introduction Installation Configuration Scripts Advanced Topics Extensions for SABnzbd

Incorrect or missing information? API reference

This Wiki page is for an older version of SABnzbd.
You can download the most recent stable version (SABnzbd 4.4.1) on our downloads page.

Jump quickly to: Queue functions, History functions, Status functions and Other functions.


The SABnzbd API can be reached via:


Request types

Supported output types are json (default) and xml, which can be specified in the request:


API Key and NZB key

API requires the users API key to be supplied all API requests in order for it to work. The API key is randomly generated and is static unless the user decides to change the key. The user can see their API key on the General page of the configuration pages.


If the API-key is missing the request will return error: API Key Required, if it is incorrect: error: API Key Incorrect.

There is also a separate NZB key, which only allows for adding, modifying and removing jobs in the queue. When this key is used for something else, the request will return error: API Key Incorrect.

The version and auth functions do not require the API key.


NOTE In all examples below the apikey=APIKEY&output=json part is not shown but still necessary.

True/False Indicates the API will return the status, for some functions it's always true, even if the operation failed. Sorry about that!

    "status": true

Queue functions

Function Description
queue Full Queue output
pause (queue) Pause whole queue
resume (queue) Resume whole queue
speedlimit Set speedlimit
change_complete_action Action on queue complete
sort Sort the queue
addurl Add NZB by URL
addfile Add NZB by file upload
addlocalfile Add NZB by local file path
pause (single job) Pause a single job
resume (single job) Resume a single job
delete Delete job
purge Delete all jobs or based on keyword
move Change position of job in queue
change_cat Change job category
change_script Change job script
priority Change job priority
change_opts Change job post-processing
rename Change name and password of job
get_files Get details of files in a job
move_nzf_bulk Move file(s) inside a job
delete_nzf Remove file(s) from a job

Full Queue output

Full queue output with details about all jobs.


NOTE Some of the less obvious output parameters are described below.

Input parameter Description
start optional Index of job to start at
limit optional Number of jobs to display
search optional Filter job names by search term
category / cat optional Only return jobs with the specified category or categories (separated by a comma)
Use * for Default
priority optional Only return jobs with the specified priority or priorities (separated by a comma)
  • -2 = Paused
  • -1 = Low Priority
  • 0 = Normal Priority
  • 1 = High Priority
  • 2 = Force
status optional Only return jobs with the specified status or statuses (separated by a comma)
  • Downloading
  • Queued
  • Paused
  • Propagating = Delayed download
  • Fetching = Job is downloading extra par2 files
nzo_ids optional Only return jobs with these nzo_ids (separated by a comma)
Output parameter Description
speedlimit In percentage of maximum set by user
speedlimit_abs In bytes/s
unpackopts See change_opts
    "queue": {
        "status": "Downloading",
        "speedlimit": "9",
        "speedlimit_abs": "4718592.0",
        "paused": false,
        "noofslots_total": 2,
        "noofslots": 2,
        "limit": 10,
        "start": 0,
        "timeleft": "0:16:44",
        "speed": "1.3 M",
        "kbpersec": "1296.02",
        "size": "1.2 GB",
        "sizeleft": "1.2 GB",
        "mb": "1277.65",
        "mbleft": "1271.58",
        "slots": [
                "status": "Downloading",
                "index": 0,
                "password": "",
                "avg_age": "2895d",
                "script": "None",
                "direct_unpack": "10/30",
                "mb": "1277.65",
                "mbleft": "1271.59",
                "mbmissing": "0.0",
                "size": "1.2 GB",
                "sizeleft": "1.2 GB",
                "filename": "TV.Show.S04E11.720p.HDTV.x264",
                "labels": [],
                "priority": "Normal",
                "cat": "tv",
                "timeleft": "0:16:44",
                "percentage": "0",
                "nzo_id": "SABnzbd_nzo_p86tgx",
                "unpackopts": "3"
                "status": "Paused",
                "index": 1,
                "password": "",
                "avg_age": "2895d",
                "script": "None",
                "direct_unpack": null,
                "mb": "1277.76",
                "mbleft": "1277.76",
                "mbmissing": "0.0",
                "size": "1.2 GB",
                "sizeleft": "1.2 GB",
                "filename": "TV.Show.S04E12.720p.HDTV.x264",
                "labels": [
                    "TOO LARGE",
                "priority": "Normal",
                "cat": "tv",
                "timeleft": "0:00:00",
                "percentage": "0",
                "nzo_id": "SABnzbd_nzo_ksfai6",
                "unpackopts": "3"
        "diskspace1": "161.16",
        "diskspace2": "161.16",
        "diskspacetotal1": "465.21",
        "diskspacetotal2": "465.21",
        "diskspace1_norm": "161.2 G",
        "diskspace2_norm": "161.2 G",
        "have_warnings": "0",
        "pause_int": "0",
        "left_quota": "0 ",
        "version": "3.x.x",
        "finish": 2,
        "cache_art": "16",
        "cache_size": "6 MB",
        "finishaction": null,
        "paused_all": false,
        "quota": "0 ",
        "have_quota": false,

Pause queue True/False

Pauses the whole queue (do not confuse this will pausing an individual download, this is a global pause).


Pauses for value minutes.


Resume queue True/False

Resumes the whole queue (do not confuse this will resuming an individual download, this is a global pause).


Set speedlimit True/False

Sets the speedlimit to value in percentage of the maximum line speed (set by user).


It can also be followed by K,M to define speedlimit in KB/s,MB/s, respectively.


Action on queue complete True/False

Set an end-of-queue action



  • hibernate_pc
  • standby_pc
  • shutdown_program
  • Script: prefix the name of the script with script_, for example

On some systems additional packages are required to allow SABnzbd to control power states, if there are problems in queue it will show as power_options=false.

Sort the queue True/False

Sort the queue by avg_age, name or size in asc or desc order.


Add NZB by URL

Add NZB using an URL that needs to be accessible by SABnzbd, so make sure to include authentication information if the Indexer requires it. Example of a full request with everything set to default values is shown below, but only the name parameter is required.


Returns the nzo_id of the job:

    "status": true,
    "nzo_ids": ["SABnzbd_nzo_kyt1f0"]
Input parameter Description
name URL-encoded version of the link to the NZB to be fetched.
nzbname optional Name of the job, if empty the NZB filename is used.
password optional Password to use when unpacking the job.
cat optional Category to be assigned, * means Default. List of available categories can be retrieved from get_cats.
script optional Script to be assigned, Default will use the script assigned to the category. List of available scripts can be retrieved from get_scripts.
priority optional Priority to be assigned:
  • -100 = Default Priority (of category)
  • -3 = Duplicate
  • -2 = Paused
  • -1 = Low Priority
  • 0 = Normal Priority
  • 1 = High Priority
  • 2 = Force
pp optional Post-processing options:
  • -1 = Default (of category)
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = +Repair
  • 2 = +Repair/Unpack
  • 3 = +Repair/Unpack/Delete

Add NZB by file upload

Upload NZB using POST multipart/form-data. In your form, set the value of the field mode to addfile; the file data should be in the field name or the field nzbfile.
For other parameters and output see addurl.

Add NZB by local file path

Upload NZB from a location on the file system that SABnzbd can access. The path should be URL-encoded.
For other parameters and output see addurl.

Example of adding a file E:\Downloads\Movie.BRRip.x264.1080p-NPW.nzb:


Pause single job True/False

Pause a single job based on its nzo_id. Returns a boolean status, and a list of affected nzo_ids.


Resume single job True/False

Resume a single job based on its nzo_id. Returns a boolean status, and a list of affected nzo_ids.


Delete jobs True/False

Delete job(s) based on nzo_id. Returns a boolean status, and a list of affected nzo_ids.

NOTE By default already download files of a job are not removed, add del_files=1 to have all files removed.


Deleting multiple items:


Deleting all items:


Purge queue

Remove all jobs from the queue, or only the ones matching search. Returns nzb_id of the jobs removed.


NOTE By default already download files of a job are not removed, add del_files=1 to have all files removed.

Move job in queue

Job's can be switched by providing 2 nzo_id, value is the item you want to move, value2 is the name of the job where you want to put value one above, shifting job value2 down.


You can also move to a specific location in the queue, where 0 is the top of the queue:


Both commands will return the new position and priority, since a job's location is also dependent on its priority:

    "result": {
        "priority": 0,
        "position": 2

Change job category True/False

Change category of job with nzo_id. List of available categories can be retrieved from get_cats.


Change job script True/False

Change script of job with nzo_id. List of available scripts can be retrieved from get_scripts.


Change job priority

Change priority of job with nzo_id.

  • -100 = Default Priority (of category)
  • -4 = Stop
  • -3 = Duplicate
  • -2 = Paused
  • -1 = Low Priority
  • 0 = Normal Priority
  • 1 = High Priority
  • 2 = Force

The command will return the new position, since a job's location also depends on its priority:

    "position": 42

Change job post-processing options True/False

Change post-processing of job with nzo_id.

  • 0 = None
  • 1 = +Repair
  • 2 = +Repair/Unpack
  • 3 = +Repair/Unpack/Delete

Change job name True/False

Change name and password of job with nzo_id.

NOTE value3 can be empty, but to set a password value and value2 must also be filled, using the current name.


Or you can set a password as part of the new name in value2, see: RAR with password.


Get files in job

Get files of job with nzo_id.


The status indicates if a file was finished, in the process of being downloaded (active) or will only be downloaded when necessary (queued, like .par2 files). The set shows to which part of the download the .par2 files belong to, in case of multiple sets in 1 job. Files are sorted in order: finished, active, queued.

    "files": [
            "status": "finished",
            "mbleft": "0.00",
            "mb": "0.05",
            "age": "25d",
            "bytes": "52161.00",
            "filename": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164.par2",
            "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_1lk0ij"
            "status": "active",
            "mbleft": "20.58",
            "mb": "98.50",
            "age": "25d",
            "bytes": "103287413.00",
            "filename": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164.01",
            "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_zgx_gg"
            "status": "queued",
            "set": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164",
            "mbleft": "3.13",
            "mb": "3.13",
            "age": "25d",
            "bytes": "3279083.00",
            "filename": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164.vol000+02.par2",
            "nzf_id": "SABnzbd_nzf_ee63r6"

Move file(s) inside a job True/False

Move files specified by nzf_ids inside job nzo_id to top or bottom. To move a file a size number of spots, use up or down.


Remove file(s) from a job

Remove file(s) using nzo_id of the job and nzf_id of the file(s). Returns the nzf_ids of removed file.


History functions

Function Description
history Full history output
retry Retry failed job
retry_all Retry all failed jobs
delete Delete/Archive history item

History output

Full history output with details about all jobs. The queue and the history output share many common fields, but the history also contains statistics about how much has been downloaded in the past day, week, month and total.


NOTE Some of the less obvious output parameters are described below.

Input parameter Description
start optional Index of job to start at
limit optional Number of jobs to display
archive optional Display history (default) or archived items
search optional Filter job names by search term
category / cat optional Only return jobs with the specified category or categories (separated by a comma)
Use * for Default
status optional Only return jobs with the specified status or statuses (separated by a comma)
  • Completed
  • Failed
  • Queued = Waiting for post-processing
  • QuickCheck
  • Verifying
  • Repairing
  • Fetching = Job is downloading extra par2 files
  • Extracting
  • Moving
  • Running = Post-processing script is running
nzo_ids optional Only return jobs with these nzo_ids (separated by a comma)
failed_only optional Only show failed jobs (shorthand for status=Failed)
last_history_update optional Only return full output if anything has changed since last_history_update, the last update is given by a previous call to history
Output parameter Description
duplicate_key How SABnzbd identified the show and season/episode info
pp Different format than the queue:
  • R = +Repair
  • U = +Repair/Unpack
  • D = +Repair/Unpack/Delete
path Temporary destination
storage Final destination
loaded If true, item is post-processing
    "history": {
        "noofslots": 220,
        "ppslots": 1,
        "day_size": "1.9 G",
        "week_size": "30.4 G",
        "month_size": "167.3 G",
        "total_size": "678.1 G",
        "last_history_update": 1469210913,
        "slots": [
                "action_line": "",
                "duplicate_key": "TV.Show/4/2",
                "meta": null,
                "fail_message": "",
                "loaded": false,
                "size": "2.3 GB",
                "category": "tv",
                "pp": "D",
                "retry": 0,
                "script": "None",
                "nzb_name": "TV.Show.S04E02.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD.nzb",
                "download_time": 64,
                "storage": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Videos\\Complete\\TV.Show.S04E02.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD",
                "has_rating": false,
                "status": "Completed",
                "script_line": "",
                "completed": 1469172988,
                "nzo_id": "SABnzbd_nzo_sdkoun",
                "downloaded": 2436906376,
                "report": "",
                "password": "",
                "path": "\\\\?\\C:\\SABnzbd\\TV.Show.S04E02.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD",
                "postproc_time": 40,
                "name": "TV.Show.S04E02.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD",
                "url": "TV.Show.S04E02.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD.nzb",
                "md5sum": "d2c16aeecbc1b1921d04422850e93013",
                "archive": false,
                "bytes": 2436906376,
                "url_info": "",
                "stage_log": [
                        "name": "Source",
                        "actions": [
                        "name": "Download",
                        "actions": [
                            "Downloaded in 1 min 4 seconds at an average of 36.2 MB/s<br/>Age: 550d<br/>10 articles were malformed"
                        "name": "Servers",
                        "actions": [
                            "Frugal=2.3 GB"
                        "name": "Repair",
                        "actions": [
                            "[pA72r5Ac6lW3bmpd20T7Hj1Zg2bymUsINBB50skrI] Repaired in 19 seconds"
                        "name": "Unpack",
                        "actions": [
                            "[pA72r5Ac6lW3bmpd20T7Hj1Zg2bymUsINBB50skrI] Unpacked 1 files/folders in 6 seconds"
                "action_line": "",
                "duplicate_key": "TV.Show/4/13",
                "meta": null,
                "fail_message": "",
                "loaded": false,
                "size": "2.3 GB",
                "category": "tv",
                "pp": "D",
                "retry": 0,
                "script": "None",
                "nzb_name": "TV.Show.S04E13.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD.nzb",
                "download_time": 60,
                "storage": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Videos\\Complete\\TV.Show.S04E13.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD",
                "has_rating": false,
                "status": "Completed",
                "script_line": "",
                "completed": 1469172947,
                "nzo_id": "SABnzbd_nzo_gqhp63",
                "downloaded": 2491255137,
                "report": "",
                "password": "",
                "path": "\\\\?\\C:\\SABnzbd\\TV.Show.S04E13.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD",
                "postproc_time": 82,
                "name": "TV.Show.S04E13.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD",
                "url": "TV.Show.S04E13.720p.BluRay.x264-xHD.nzb",
                "md5sum": "85baf55ec0de0dc732c2af6537c5c01b",
                "archive": true,
                "bytes": 2491255137,
                "url_info": "",
                "stage_log": [
                        "name": "Source",
                        "actions": [
                        "name": "Download",
                        "actions": [
                            "Downloaded in 1 min at an average of 39.4 MB/s<br/>Age: 558d<br/>15 articles were malformed"
                        "name": "Servers",
                        "actions": [
                            "Frugal=2.3 GB"
                        "name": "Repair",
                        "actions": [
                            "[m0vklMEMKIT5L5XH9z5YTmuquoitCQ3F5LISTLFjT] Repaired in 47 seconds"
                        "name": "Unpack",
                        "actions": [
                            "[m0vklMEMKIT5L5XH9z5YTmuquoitCQ3F5LISTLFjT] Unpacked 1 files/folders in 6 seconds"

Retry history item True/False

Retry history item(s) based on nzo_id. Optionally provide a password and an additional NZB as POST multipart/form-data in the nzbfile field.

NOTE Pay attention to the different variable names used here: value and nzbfile.


Retry all history items True/False

Will retry all failed jobs in the history. However, you are not able to supply passwords or extra NZB's.


Delete/Archive history items True/False

Delete or archive history item(s) based on nzo_id.

NOTE By default files of failed jobs are not removed, add del_files=1 to also have them removed.

NOTE By default items are moved to the Archive, add archive=0 to completely remove them.


Deleting multiple items (skipping Archive):


Deleting all items:


Deleting all failed items:


Status functions

NOTE Added in 3.4.0, older versions only have fullstatus.

Function Description
status / fullstatus All status information
unblock_server True/False Unblock server
delete_orphan True/False Delete orphaned job
mode=status name=delete_all_orphan True/False Delete all orphaned jobs
add_orphan True/False Retry orphaned job
mode=status name=add_all_orphan True/False Retry all orphaned jobs

Status information

Get all status information available from SABnzbd. Below are only the values that are different from calls to queue.

NOTE Getting the public IPv4 address might take some time, so it can be skipped by setting skip_dashboard=1. To calculate performance measures, add calculate_performance=1.


NOTE Some of the less obvious output parameters are described below.

Output parameter Description
darwin true when OS running SABnzbd is macOS
nt true when OS running SABnzbd is Windows
folders The orphaned job folder left in the Incomplete folder. Orphaned jobs can only be removed from a skin, not through the API
pystone Indication of CPU speed, see Highspeed Downloading
loadavg On Linux this will contain a string with information about system load
    "status": {
        "localipv4": "",
        "ipv6": null,
        "publicipv4": "",
        "dnslookup": "OK",
        "folders": [
        "cpumodel": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz",
        "pystone": 88738,
        "loadavg": "",
        "downloaddir": "C:\\SABnzbd",
        "downloaddirspeed": 0,
        "completedir": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Videos\\Complete",
        "completedirspeed": 0,
        "loglevel": "0",
        "logfile": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\AppData\\Local\\sabnzbd\\logs\\sabnzbd.log",
        "configfn": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\AppData\\Local\\sabnzbd\\sabnzbd.ini",
        "nt": true,
        "darwin": false,
        "confighelpuri": "",
        "uptime": "3h",
        "color_scheme": "Default",
        "webdir": "C:\\Program Files\\SABnzbd\\interfaces\\Glitter\\templates",
        "active_lang": "en",
        "restart_req": false,
        "power_options": true,
        "pp_pause_event": false,
        "pid": 123,
        "weblogfile": null,
        "new_release": false,
        "new_rel_url": null,
        "have_warnings": "0",
        "warnings": [],
        "servers": [
                "servername": "Frugal",
                "servertotalconn": 25,
                "serverssl": 0,
                "serveractiveconn": 25,
                "serveroptional": 0,
                "serveractive": true,
                "servererror": "",
                "serverpriority": 0,
                "serverbps": "11.1 M",
                "serverconnections": [
                        "thrdnum": 1,
                        "nzo_name": "Movie.BRRip.x264.1080p",
                        "nzf_name": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164.01",
                        "art_name": "1467157804579212986$gps@gopoststuff"
                        "thrdnum": 2,
                        "nzo_name": "Movie.BRRip.x264.1080p",
                        "nzf_name": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164.02",
                        "art_name": "1467157807935349477$gps@gopoststuff"
                        "thrdnum": 3,
                        "nzo_name": "Movie.BRRip.x264.1080p",
                        "nzf_name": "93a4ec7c37752640deab48dabb46b164.03",
                        "art_name": "1467157811461680159$gps@gopoststuff"
                "servername": "Nextgennews",
                "servertotalconn": 15,
                "serverssl": 0,
                "serveractiveconn": 0,
                "serveroptional": 0,
                "serveractive": true,
                "servererror": "",
                "serverpriority": 1,
                "serverbps": "0 ",
                "serverconnections": []

Unblock server True/False

Unblock server based on servername from the status.


Delete orphaned job True/False

Delete orphaned job based on the folder name from the status. Make sure that you URL-encode the folder name.


Retry orphaned job True/False

Retry orphaned job based on the folder name from the status. Make sure that you URL-encode the folder name.


Other functions

NOTE Other functions are listed below, some straightforward commands are described only in this table and can simply be activated by calling:

Function Description
version Get version of running SABnzbd
auth Get authentication methods available for interaction with the API
warnings Get all active warnings
warnings clear True/False Clear all active warnings
get_cats Get all categories
get_scripts Get all scripts
server_stats Get download statistics
showlog Get the anonymized log file
del_config True/False Delete a configuration item within the "servers", "rss", "categories", or "sorters" sections.
get_config Get value of configuration item
set_config Set configuration item to value
set_config_default True/False Reset config item to default value
shutdown True/False Shutdown SABnzbd
restart True/False Restart SABnzbd
restart_repair True/False Restart SABnzbd and perform a queue repair
pause_pp True/False Pause post-processing queue
resume_pp True/False Resume post-processing queue
rss_now True/False Fetch and process all RSS feeds
watched_now True/False Scan Watched Folder now
reset_quota True/False Reset the user defined quota to 0
mode=config name=set_apikey Reset the API key, returns the new key
mode=config name=set_nzbkey Reset the NZB key, returns the new key
mode=config name=regenerate_certs True/False Regenerate the self-signed certificate for HTTPS connection to interface, requires SABnzbd restart to take effect
translate Translate a text to user's locale

Get all categories

    "categories": [

Get all scripts

    "scripts": [

Download statistics

Return download statistics in bytes, total and per-server.

    "day": 2352634799,
    "week": 32934490677,
    "month": 179983557488,
    "total": 728426161290,
    "servers": {
        "": {
            "week": 19783288936,
            "total": 163741252273,
            "day": 2352634799,
            "month": 90478917031,
            "daily": {
                "2017-01-28": 1234,
                "2017-01-29": 4567
            "articles_tried": 929299,
            "articles_success": 8299
        "": {
            "week": 13151201741,
            "total": 165783396295,
            "day": 0,
            "month": 89499300889,
            "daily": {
                "2017-01-28": 1234,
                "2017-01-29": 4567
            "articles_tried": 520400,
            "articles_success": 78881

Get the anonymized log file

The log file is automatically anonymized and a copy of the sabnzbd.ini is attached.

NOTE This call ignores the output parameter, it will always serve the file as a download.


Delete a configuration item within the "servers", "rss", "categories", or "sorters" sections.

Used to delete an entry from the limited sections.

Example of deleting a servers by keyword:
Example of deleting a rss by keyword:
Example of deleting a categories by keyword:

If you attempt to delete the default category * from the categories section, the system will replace the default categories.


Get config item(s)

You can read the whole configuration, a sub-set or a single setting.

NOTE You will never receive passwords, each character will be replaced by *** characters. You can set new passwords through the set_config call.

All elements in misc section:
Example of filtering the server settings by keyword:

Set config item

In order to change a setting, you need to provide the section and keyword of the setting:


Returns the new setting when saved successfully.

For example, changing the Cleanup-list to .sfv,.nzb,.nfo,.ext would look like this:


Setting server, RSS feed, category, or sorter settings

Changing settings for these sections is a bit different and requires one to specify the correct name of the server, RSS feed, category, or sorter. This name you can find in between double square brackets in the relevant section of your sabnzbd.ini, where it will for example say [[]] within the [servers] section, or [[Feed1]] in the [rss] section, and so on. Below the name you can see all variables you could set via the API for an item in that section. If the specified name doesn't match an existing one in the given section, it will be added there as a new item.

Server example:


Category example:


RSS feed example:


Sorter example:


Reset config item to default value True/False

NOTE Currently only for settings in the misc section of the config. Can accept multiple keywords to reset.


Get all active warnings

    "warnings": [
            "text": "API key missing, please enter the API key from Config->General into your 3rd party program",
            "type": "WARNING",
            "time": 1505153489
            "text": "Thread [email protected]:119: login failed",
            "type": "ERROR",
            "time": 1505139501

Clear all active warnings True/False


Translate a text

Translate any text known to SABnzbd from English to the locale setting of the user.


Will return for Dutch:

    "value": "Bewaakte map"