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Incorrect or missing information? Folders

This Wiki page is for an older version of SABnzbd.
You can download the most recent stable version (SABnzbd 4.3.3) on our downloads page.

User Folders

OS-specific default locations for the settings below can be found here.

Temporary Download Folder Enter the path to a folder SABnzbd can use to store files as they are downloaded. Once the file is complete, it will verify then extract to the Complete Folder. You can just enter "Incomplete" to keep it relative to your Base Folder or enter the full path such as C:\Incomplete and SABnzbd will create the folder.
Minimum Free Space for Temporary Download Folder
There should be enough space to contain the largest complete job + 10% to repair jobs. When free space on the drive that holds the temporary folder is below this, SABnzbd is automatically pauses.
You enter the amount in bytes but you can use factors like K, M, G etc.
Completed Download Folder The completed download folder is the default download location for all items, unless indicated otherwise from the Categories page.
Minimum Free Space for Completed Download Folder
There should be enough space to contain the largest complete job and some more if the extracted files are larger when unpacked. When free space on the drive that holds the complete folder is below this, SABnzbd is automatically paused.
You enter the amount in bytes but you can use factors like K, M, G etc.
NOTE Will not work if a category folder is on a different disk than the main Complete Download Folder.
Auto resume
Downloading will automatically resume if the minimum free space is available again. Applies to both the Temporary and Complete Download Folder. Checked every few minutes.
Permissions for completed downloads
Set permissions pattern for completed files/folders using octal notation, for macOS and Linux only.
Example: 755 or 777, see: Unix permissions.
Watched Folder

This is a folder that is periodically checked for new NZB files. When a file is stored in this folder, SABnzbd will consider this a download job. It will scan the folder and processes the supported files: .nzb, .gz, or .bz2 and archives .zip, .rar, or .7z,. The process will add the NZB to the queue and remove the file from the watched folder if successful. ZIP/RAR/7z archives should only contain .nzb files inside (.nfo are silently ignored).

The Watched Folder supports Categories in two ways:

  • Categories: Create a folder inside your watched folder with the same name as one of your categories. Placing a file inside that folder will add the category with the same name as the sub-folder when it is imported.
    Example: If you have a category called Random, place a file inside C:\WatchedFolder\Random and it will be picked up and assigned to the Random category (if it exists).
  • Filename Prefix: If an NZB file has a prefix, for example {{movies}}My favorite movie.nzb, it will be handled as the file My favorite movie.nzb, having category movies.
Watched Folder Scan Speed
Number of seconds between filesystem scans of the Watched Folder setting above. Setting it to 0 disables the automatic scans, but scans can still be triggered from the menu on the main page.
Scripts Folder This specifies the folder where user scripts (post-processing and pre-queue) are stored. On Windows, users may specify a .cmd or .bat file; other extensions can be executed with the PATHEXT variable. On Unix any installed script type can be used, including common choices such as shell or Python, provided the file is executable (chmod +x file) and starts with a valid shebang line.
Read more about creating Post-processing and Pre-queue scripts.
Email Templates Folder
You can define your own Email Templates.
Password File
A text file of known passwords, one password per line, that should be attempted on passworded RAR files. See also Password-protected RARs.
WARNING Checking passwords takes time, do not list more than ~20 passwords in this file!

System Folders

OS-specific default locations for the settings below can be found here.

Administrative Folder
Location for queue, admin and history database.
Backup Folder
Location where the backups of the configuration file and databases are stored.
If left empty, the backup will be created in the Completed Download Folder.
See also Create Backup.
Log Folder
This folder holds error/warning/info/debug logging data.
.nzb Backup Folder
When SABnzbd adds an nzb to the queue it creates a local of the NZB file in this folder. If you leave this box empty, no files will be saved.