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Incorrect or missing information? RSS

SABnzbd can read RSS-feeds provided by indexers or public RSS websites. These sites offer the latest downloads or return results based on a query. For a list of supported RSS sites, see here.

Each feed is analyzed using filters. A filter looks for a text-pattern in the title of entries and will reject or accept a job based on that pattern. A filter "matches" a title if the filter text is found inside that title. You can add * to match arbitrary parts of the title or ? for one arbitrary character at that place. The filters are analyzed in order and the first one matched will be selected.

An example

Suppose you subscribe to a feed and the output of titles in this feed is:

My first baby steps hdtv xvid Part 1
You and me and the dog Part 1
You and me and the dog Part 2
My first teen steps hdtv xvid Part 1
My first baby steps xvid Part 1
My first baby steps hdtv xvid Part 2
The making of My first baby steps xvid hdtv

Now, suppose you want to get all My ... first steps episodes, but only when marked hdtv and you're not interested in Making of:

Reject || making of
Accept || first*steps*hdtv

The Reject filter should be placed first, otherwise the Accept filter will also pick the Making of.

It's also possible to setup a Required filter. This means that the following filters are only applied when a title matches the Required filter.

For example: if you are only interested in hdtv format, you would create filters like this:

Reject || making of
Requires || hdtv
Accept || first*steps
Accept || second*steps


For each feed you can set the category or the job options for all jobs in the feed in the top row, or for each Accept filter specifically.
If all category settings are left as Default and the indexer category matches one of your categories (by category name or by custom Indexer tag), it will be automatically assigned to that category.

The assigned or automatically matched category is shown in the Category column.


Filter name Meaning
Accept Accept job when the title matches the expression.
If not matched, go to next filter.
Requires Require job title to contain this expression.
If matched, go to next filter. If not matched, reject job.
Reject Reject job when the title matches the expression.
If not matched, go to next filter.
RequiresCat Require job to have this category (after mapping the indexer category to your own categories).
If matched, go to next filter. If not matched, reject job.
At Least The size of the job should be at least this. You can use K/M/G notation, where 100M means at least 100Mbyte.
If size correct, go to next filter. If size not correct, reject job.
At Most The size of the job should be at most this. You can use K/M/G notation, where 200M means at most 200Mbyte.
If size correct, go to next filter. If size not correct, reject job.
From SxxEyy Only this season/episode and newer will be accepted.
If matched, go to next filter. If not matched, reject job.
From Show SxxEyy Accept this and newer episodes of this specific show.
Accept if matched. If not matched, go to next filter.
Directly accepts job, this permits multiple shows in a single feed.

WARNING The , (comma) and # characters are not allowed.

NOTE The From SxxEyy and From Show SxxEyy will only work when SABnzbd recognizes the season/episode notation in the job title. Wildcards (* and ?) are not supported.

NOTE The RequireCat only works for indexers whose categories have been mapped to your own.

NOTE Some websites require the inclusion of authentication details in the URL. Please check with your feed provider.

Feed buttons

Read feed Read the RSS source again and apply the filters.
Force download Send all matching items to the queue.
Clear download Clear the list of items already sent to the queue.
Apply Filters New or altered filters are not directly applied to existing results, click this button to re-filter the results.

Regular expressions

If you prefix a filter with re: it will be interpreted as a Python regular expression (case-insensitive).

Here's a tutorial on regular expressions. For all the details see the Python manual.

Simple example: re: this|that will match all jobs containing this or that in the title.

Automatic processing

If you check the checkbox next to the name of the feed, it will be automatically processed. The time between scans can be set with RSS checking rate. This can be overridden by using the Scheduler.

First batch

To prevent the download of a (potentially) large backlog, the first batch of NZBs will not automatically download. These lines are marked with an asterisk *. If you want these matched feed items in this first batch to download, click the Force Download button.

Then, new feed items in subsequent RSS reads will download automatically (if the feed is enabled).