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Incorrect or missing information? Installing par2cmdline-turbo

par2cmdline-turbo is a drop-in replacement for the original par2cmdline and it’s forks (mt and tbb). It greatly improves verification and repair performance by using optimizations on x86 and ARM platforms.

Installation on Ubuntu via PPA

For Ubuntu there is a PPA by the same creator (JCFP) as the SABnzbd PPA that has par2cmdline-turbo.

Run these commands to install the PPA and par2cmdline-turbo:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jcfp/sab-addons
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install par2-turbo

Installation of pre-built binaries

On you can find pre-built binaries for different Linux (plus MacOS and Windows) versions. Download the correct version, unpack, and install.

Example of unpacking and putting into /usr/local/bin/ on Linux x86_64:

xz -dv par2cmdline-turbo-v1.1.0-linux-amd64.xz
chmod +x par2cmdline-turbo-v1.1.0-linux-amd64
which par2 # note the location, and use that:
sudo mv /usr/bin/par2 /usr/bin/par2.old
sudo cp par2cmdline-turbo-v1.1.0-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/par2
par2 --version # check it says "par2cmdline-turbo"

Installation on other distributions

Tools required: git, automake and make (install via your distribution’s package manager)

git clone
cd par2cmdline-turbo
automake --add-missing
make install

NOTE You might need to run the last command as sudo because it will install the par2 command in the bin directory.

NOTE Safest to uninstall your existing par2 first!

After this, you can delete the par2cmdline-turbo folder.

Checking of par2 version

With par2 --version you can check the version of par2. After installing par2cmdline-turbo you should see “-turbo” in the output.

$ par2 --version
par2cmdline-turbo version 0.9.0