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Incorrect or missing information? Notifications

This Wiki page is for an older version of SABnzbd.
You can download the most recent stable version (SABnzbd 4.3.3) on our downloads page.

Email notifications

SABnzbd can send you emails about completion of jobs and about disk almost full condition. You can send email through the SMTP server of your ISP. This is generally the easiest option, that doesn't require you to set a user account and password. SABnzbd will try to use SSL secured email when supported by the mail server (this normally requires a user account and password). Even Google mail ( is possible.

It's possible to create your own email format by using templates.

Email options

Errors Send an email when a download fails for any reason
End-of-job notifications Send an email after each job is completed and fully post-processed
Disk full notifications Send an email when SABnzbd paused because the disk is almost full

Email Account Settings

Check your email provider's instructions for the proper values.

SMTP server The mail server you use (eg If needed you can append a non-standard mail port (e.g.
Email recipient The email address to which the emails must be sent.
Email sender The email address of the sender. This can be a fake address, but you emails may be flagged as spam. Especially when you also set an account name and password, it is better to use your own real email address.
Account name User name of the email account used to send the emails.
Account password Password of the email account used to send the emails.
WARNING this password is stored as plain text in the INI file.

Gmail example

SMTP server
Email recipient
Email sender This can be a fake address, but you will have to put it in your Gmail contact list, otherwise Google will think you are sending spam.
Account name
Account password password

Please note that Gmail security has become a lot stricter.
If you are using two-factor authentication then you need to create an "application-specific" password for SABnzbd.

If not, then SABnzbd is only allowed to access Gmail when you allow "less secure apps".

For security reasons we recommend that you create a separate email account, just to send SABnzbd emails.

Notification Services

SABnzbd can send notifications to several notification services. All events that can produce a notification are assigned to a group. Such groups can be enabled per notification services.
Additionally, you can specify for the job related notifications if they only should be send for specific categories.

Group Events
Startup/Shutdown Startup, Shutdown
Pause/Resume Pause, Resume
Added NZB New NZB's are added
Post-processing Post-processing started
Job finished Job finished
Job failed Job failed
Queue finished Queue finished
User logged in Successful login (HTML form only)
Warning Warning
Error Error
Other URL fetching failed, Shutdown finished, New release available

Windows balloons

Windows will show a modest text balloon connected to SABnzbd's System Tray icon.

macOS Notification Center

Standard macOS Notification Service.
Only when you're using our signed app, you will see SABnzbd's icon.


Some Linux systems support the NotifyOSD protocol.
When SABnzbd detects support for this protocol, it will allow you to enable the service.

Notification script

Allows implementation of custom notification services. See Notification Scripts.

NZB-Notify's notification script provides a very wide range of notification services, listed here.

NZB-Notify setup:

  • In Config->Folders, select a Scripts Folder.
  • On Windows and macOS, download and install Python from Restart the system after the installation.
  • Download NZB-Notify and unpack the contents of the nzb-notify-master folder to the Scripts Folder.
  • Open a terminal (macOS/Linux) or command line window (Windows) and navigate to the Scripts Folder.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt (on some systems you might have to replace pip by pip3).
  • You can now select in Config->Notifications.
  • Specify the URL for your service such as kodi:// in the Parameters section. You can specify more than one URL here by simply using a comma (,) as a delimiter.