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Incorrect or missing information? External internet access

This article is about the message External internet access denied (or Access denied) when trying to access SABnzbd and how to solve it.


When your SABnzbd is exposed (open) to the internet without a username and password, it could give a person with bad intentions the ability to download files to anywhere on your system that SABnzbd can access. On Windows, such a person would also be able to download a script and execute it to gain full control over your system.

If you try to access SABnzbd and you get External internet access denied, the cause is that you or the software/services that you are using are trying to access SABnzbd from a device on the internet. By default, because of the security reasons mentioned above, SABnzbd refuses such connections from sources on the internet.

Quick fix for External internet access denied

If you want to give devices on the internet access to the full SABnzbd interface, go to General page of the Config, and at External internet access, select Full Web interface or Full Web interface - Only external access requires login.

Definition of internet versus non-internet/local

Internet is defined as “a public IP address”. That access is denied by default.

Local means a private IP address (192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x and 172.16.x.x). Access from your LAN, virtual machine, docker container, or similar will not lead to External internet access denied unless local_ranges have been defined.

Check your logging

If your client gets “External internet access denied”, and you don’t understand that, check your SABnzbd GUI or sabnzbd.log for the exact logging. You will see the IP address of the client which is refused. For example

Refused connection from: [curl/8.2.1]

Especially with virtual machines, docker, tunnels, proxies and IPv6, you might see a different IP address than you expected. Anyway: allow External Access, if you trust that access. Or add that IP range to SABnzbd’s local_ranges.

Advanced options

Commandline parameter

From the command line, you can set External internet access with:

--inet_exposure <0..5>  Set external internet access

Setting in sabnzbd.ini

The relevant setting in sabnzbd.ini is inet_exposure, with these values:

    0 = No access (default)
    1 = Add NZB files
    2 = API (no Config)
    3 = Full API
    4 = Full Web interface
    5 = Full Web interface - Only external access requires login

Only allow API access from the internet

If you only want to give access to the API interface (so no Web access), select one of the first “API” options in the SABnzbd’s WebGUI. If you don’t know what this means, don’t use this option.

Define local ranges

For the very advanced users: on the Specials page of the Config you can define your own local ranges if you want to overrule what SABnzbd defines as local. Make sure to read the documentation on how to specify them.

Disabling the error message

If you just want to disable the error message, you can do so by turning off api_warnings on the Special page of the Config.